
Oral diseases

Enamel caries


bacteria + sugar + time = loss of tooth mineral and subsequent cavity formation


  • reduction of bacterial plaque by using brush AND interdental cleaning
  • reduction of sugar or consequent xylit supply deprive bacteria of substrate to produce acids
  • fluoride protects enamel against acids
  • beneficial bacterial strains push back pathogenic strains

Root caries


  • carbohydrates + bacteria + week buffering effect of saliva soften the roots. Even unvisibly below gingiva level. Xerostomia massively accelerates the process.


  • match brushes and interdental devices to recessions and larger interproximal spaces.
  • enhance saliva function by mouthrinses or gels.
  • xylit supply or beneficial bacterial strains push back pathogenic strains



Longtime ineffective interdental cleaning promotes bacteria strains producing toxins leading to bone loss.


  • effective interdental cleaning
  • less or no nicotine and perfect blood glucose level.
  • checking levels of longtime glucose marker HbA1c, vitamin D und essential fatty acids
  • mental stress reduction
  • elimination of nightly gnawing
  • restauration of occlusion in cases of excessive abrasion

Occlusal or muscular malfunctions

Often only indirectly detectable by

  • muscle tenseness
  • headaches
  • spontaneaus biting into tongue or cheek
  • teeth or restoration fractures
  • tinnitus
  • short survival of dental restorations


  • normal chewing cycles do not lead to abrasion because contact with force only last millisecond.
  • several minutes of nightly gnawing with maximal forces or constant clenching during daytime slowly, but accelerating, detoriate muscles, joints, ligaments, teeth and restaurations.


  • A transparent occlusal splint is effective if the correct jaw position has has been identified by measurement previously..
  • Correction of daytime clenching needs feedback from other people or technical devices.
  • Occlusal adjustments can be necessary.


In Switzerland biting onto a foreign object in the food in seldom cases qualifies for insurance benefits.


Everyone knows that ice hockey players use mouthguars. This can be wise during other activities, too.


When caries develops despite effective hygiene, healthy nutrition and regular checkups saliva malfunction is the probable culprit. After only 3 months of eg sedative medication effects could be seen on nearly every tooth! Nictoine and cannabis


We do not know why this happenes in healthy individuals. Medications and radiation therapy are common causes.


Only seldom medications may be modified. Otherwise desinfectant, remineraizing or recolonizing agents are necessary.

Chronic headaches

Unerkannte Zahn- oder Kieferentzündungen und gestörte Kaufunktion können Schmerzen am ganzen Kopf hervorrufen.
Manchmal wird die Ursache ganz woanders gesucht und jahrelang nicht gefunden.
Vor invasiven medizinischen Untersuchungen ist eine gründliche Untersuchung von Zähnen, Kiefern, Zusammenbiss und Kaumuskulatur deshalb immer ratsam.

Personal oral care tools

Standard dental care

Manual toothbrush

The bacteria live in the small spaces between gum and tooth and between teeth.
The bristles penetrate this space only when

  • 45 degree angle with respect to tooth axis AND
  • minmal pressure AND
  • minute movements are observed.
    Do not forget oral surfaces!

Electric toothbrush

It does not save a lot of time, but it is really much more effective.

Special brushes for nested, crowded, or tilted teeth:


Interdental cleaning - the key to success

Interdental devices

Airfloss (produced only by Philips): Air/Water-Jet much better than other water jet devices

It is a valuable adjunct for especially for upper molar teeth.

Interdental brushesbrushes

Modern plastic-coated wires reach nearly every space.

View use at

Dental floss

Longtime seen as the "gold standard" nowadays only recommended where interdental brushes do not fit.

Ready mounted dental floss

Helpfull when everything else is found to difficult. Eg

Wooden or plastic sticks

VERY seldom of value...

Tongue cleaning - really necessary?

50% of all bacteria in the mouth live on the tongue. It can be easily cleaned by common toothbrush or by using special devices:

Zahnputzmittel - Spülungen, Gelees, Sprays, Kaugummis

Welches ist das richtige für mich? Angesichts der grossen Anzahl Wirkstoffe und der Preisunterschiede ist eine Beratung bei uns SEHR sinnvoll.

Mechanical damage by brush

Everybody brushing effectively will produce a harmless notch on at least one of the teeth. But exessive forces and/or wrong technique can lead to deep grooves which need restauration. I will check for this problem on any examination.

Please follow these rules:

  • Use abrasive toothpastes ("Anti-discoloration" "whitening" ) only two times a week.
  • Limit brush force to 50 gramms: If your bristles are bent at the end of the month you exeeded this value.



Everbody knows that sugar is the enemy of teeth!

But sugar consumption remains substantial?

Feasible everday rules:

  • Sugar yes, but seldom
  • Consume soft drinks and fruit juices only where dental hygiene is accessible = at home
  • Fructose ist only minimal less aggressive than sucrose
  • Xylitol and isomaltose are valuable sucrose substitutes

Snacks without hiden sugar are hard to find. Start to bring along vegetables or cheese.

Acids - The "new" adversaries

So called "light" soft drinks contain no sugar. But significantly more acids.
Whereas sugar dissolves teeth indirectly, acids do this directly.
So please reduce frequency and quantity of consumption accordingly.
Beware: Fruit juices contain sugar and acids.

To contain the harm of acids special oral hygiene rules are recommended:

Do not brush your teeth 30 minutes after consumption. The saliva needs time to remineralize the softened surface. Otherwise it is removed by the brush. When your dentists finds erosion already brush BEFORE a meal. Fluoride decreases enamel solubility.